
Studio Owner & Instructor

Peggy O'Donnell, Owner/Instructor, The Studio Buena Vista

Peggy received her BA in French and Economics from Boston College and the Sorbonne, Paris and then her Master’s in Library Science from the University of Aberystwyth, Wales. She started her business career in Washington D.C. working for trade associations and nonprofit organizations. This led to her being sent to Europe to set up and run one of her accounts first European offices, located in Brussels, Belgium. She travelled throughout Europe establishing networks, providing cross cultural educational opportunities and working with key industry, regulatory and governmental bodies.

She then, along with her husband, established the consulting firm Morgan & Masterson, which specializes in healthcare and publishing. This brought with it extensive travel through many parts of the world including Singapore, India, Bhutan, China, Australia, New Zealand and South Africa.

In 2007 Peggy was diagnosed with breast cancer and was introduced to the GYROTONIC® Method, which proved invaluable in preparing for surgery and treatment, as well as recovery and rehab.

Peggy became a certified GYROTONIC® and GYROKINESIS® instructor and is passionate about guiding clients to developing pain-free, easy and joyful functional movement. She has trained in the US, Europe and also in South Africa where she is affiliated with rEvolve studio, based just outside of Cape Town.

Peggy is a dual national (BE and US) and is married to a Welshman. They both work in the healthcare and wellness sectors and are committed to the communities in which they live and work, Winston-Salem, NC and Cape Town, SA.

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